Digital print on canvas
400 × 355 cm

Collection Bert Theis Archive, Luxembourg / Milan

Sketch for Isola
Dreams don’t die at dusk

Project for the city of Milan.
A different city is possible! In this collage Milan artist Bert Theis operates an ecologic deconstruction of the metropolis. The Isola-district between Central Station and Garibaldi Station at Milan has been transformed into an urban jungle. Concrete express-ways have been replaced by digital expressways. Finally life in town can become an adventure.

Building Philosophy. Cultivating Utopia
MUDAM / Luxembourg

Exhibition view / 2019

Isola Project (Milano)
Digital print on canvas / 2002

Isola(art)project. Fragments d’un discours italien
MAMCO / Geneva

Exhibition view / 2003

Le mille e una notte
Stecca degli Artigiani / Milan

Exhibition view / 2004